Wednesday, April 01, 2015


Honolulu gets a taste of traffic after Hoopili

by Larry Geller

Updated: 2:24 p.m.: Get used to it (at bottom)

State workers

                                                            (click pic for larger)

Ok, it won’t be quite this bad after our prime ag land is sacrificed to build more homes at Hoopili, each with a car or two.

It could get this bad as other Ewa construction completes in years ahead.

Just as our country continues pumping CO2 into the atmosphere, global warming be damned, so does our City Council allow unbridled development despite the inevitable traffic tie-ups that will result.

No, the limited rail route, even when completed, will not take those cars off the road. If we wanted a real transit system we should have planned differently.

So get used to drought, storms, and traffic. We, in Hawaii, likely can’t change the direction of our national government, but we sure can work to prevent deterioration of our economy and quality of life here.

Or not. It’s up to us.


The zipper lane is expected to be fixed after the evening “rush” hour (we’ll need another name for it):

Another bad night

And then there’s this… it says to stay on the H-1.

Get used to it

So… ready to get used to it?


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