Monday, September 15, 2008


Caveat emptor: Did you buy a Sears range that can tip over on you?

by Larry Geller

I should have posted something earlier—there are only three more days to act—but I put the wrong date in my calendar. Sorry, I thought there was more time.

Here’s the problem, in a nutshell (see the linked article for more):

It's estimated that 15 to 20 million kitchens in the United States are equipped with a range that can tip over and crush, scald or burn whoever is standing in front of it. The problem is caused by the use of lightweight material in modern stoves, which makes them top-heavy and thus prone to tip over when the oven door is open. []

A claim form is here. But it must be postmarked on or before September 18, 2008, so there’s not much time.

If the Proposed Settlement is approved, Sears will offer free installation of anti-tip brackets to eligible Class Members who do not have brackets installed or, if the Class Member wants, a gift card towards the purchase of a new Sears range instead of a bracket installation. Sears will also offer reimbursement to those Class Members who, after Sears delivered their range, arranged and paid to have a bracket installed.

From what I have read on the web, the problem for owners is to determine if the anti-tip brackets have already been installed or not.


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