Thursday, July 17, 2008


Obama—Not an agent of change, but the beneficiary of change

by Larry Geller

Many insights from Sam Smith in Undernews on Obama and the Black Ivies.  Of course, I recommend that you read his entire article:

Michael Niebauer of the DC Examiner called the other day with a question that had been wandering aimlessly around in my head for some time: what did Barack Obama and DC Mayor Adrian Fenty have in common?

I suggested that he expand the question to include Deval Patrick, the governor of Massachusetts, and Cory Booker, the mayor of Newark, NJ.

They all share two big things. First, they are of the first generation of modern black leaders who have gotten where they were by passing exams rather than crossing police lines and, second, they are of the first generation of black leaders to have been both educated and vetted by the white establishment.

Or, to put it another way, they are the first generation of modern black leaders who are not agents of change, but primarily beneficiaries of change.

Read what Sam has to say about Obama’s move to the right. It’s a long, comprehensive article. When done, you can go back and read today’s articles, that one was from yesterday. He starts with Obama has some explaining to do.

Don’t take me wrongly on this, but I am grateful for Sam Smith’s longer view so that I can adjust my expectations of our next president.

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