Thursday, July 17, 2008


Letter from Advertiser publisher Lee Webber

I'm honored that Lee Webber, president and publisher of the Advertiser, answered a letter from a humble blogger. I assume it's ok to reproduce his reply here.

Dear Mr. Geller -- Thank you for, subscribing, writing and sharing your views.

As publisher of the Honolulu Advertiser and someone who has lived in the Pacific region since 1967, I am mindful of the critical role our newspaper plays in the political, social and economic life of our island and state.  The Advertiser is a private enterprise, but our newspaper also serves a vital public purpose - to inform readers like you to participate effectively in the civic processes that set our common course as an isolated community in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.  So, in addition to my private, fiduciary obligation to the owners of our newspaper, I also have an important public obligation to those who rely on our newspaper for information.

As the steward of an important institution, I have a duty to look out for the long-term health of our newspaper and to act prudently to ensure the organization will remain stable and viable into the future, so it can continue to support quality journalism.  To support a staff of professional journalists is no small task, but to fail in this responsibility would have serious adverse effects on our community.  I believe actions such as these will help ensure the enterprise remains to serve Hawai'i.

The Advertiser has served the people of this state for more than 151 years and it is my responsibility to ensure that fine service and quality journalism continues for another 150 years.


Lee Webber



This looks like a form letter.

Of course it's a form letter. They could have said the same thing in one line "Thanks for sharing... sucker."

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