Tuesday, January 01, 2013
Mark your calendar: Wed Jan 2 7:00 a.m. -- The Separation of State and Church
“Promoting the positive healing role of religion in public life by encouraging dialogue and community building” When: First Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Where: Harris United Methodist Church, 20 South Vineyard Blvd. 7:00 a.m. Opening. Introductions. Sam Cox, Convener The Separation of State and Church In General and Issues Hawaii
In 1996 Kahle, along with others, formed Hawaii Citizens for the Separation of State and Church (HCSSC) for the purpose of defending the constitutional principle in Hawaii.
HCSSC's first challenge involved a 37-ft-tall steel cross at Kolekole Pass, on Schofield Barracks, a U.S. Army base on the island of Oahu. HCSSC sued the U.S. Army in Federal Court and in less than 45 days the Army removed the cross and settled the case out of court.
Thereafter Kahle and HCSSC have been involved in dozens of high profile state-church controversies in the Islands, including most recently a successful challenge of legislative prayers. Kahle was roughed up and arrested after objecting to an overtly Christian prayer in the Hawaii State Senate in 2010. Kahle was ultimately acquitted of all charges and hassince filed a Federal civil lawsuit against the State of Hawaii. Recently, Kahle brought attention to a proposed Christmas Concert Benefit with Moanalua High School orchestra as being too intertwined with a local church fundraising effort. The event was subsequently canceled by DOE Superintendent of Schools Kathryn Matayoshi.. Professionally, Kahle is an entrepreneur, who in his free time enjoys sailing, hiking, and is a jazz bass player and composer.
Open Discussion 8:30 a.m. Adjourn. Networking
Sam Cox (808) 779-3606 SamCox@hawaii.,rr.com or Randolph Sykes (808) 561-6010 randolphsykes@hawaii.rr.com www.InterfaithAllianceHawaii.org and http://interfaithopentable.wordpress.com
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