Saturday, April 09, 2011


Web of possible CIA connections surrounds Obama

The irony of all this, of course, is that if Obama's past could be better documented, we might find that it wasn't his birth that should interest us at all, but family and personal connections to American intelligence that should greatly please the very conservatives questioning his provenance.

by Larry Geller

The smoking gun has not been found yet (no, not his Indonesian birth certificate, but something that would substantiate all this conjecture about CIA eimplyment). But there is some scent on the trail.

Does the CIA have an operative in the Oval Office? That might explain much, including why no one has been prosecuted for torture or war crimes.

I don’t even know where to begin snipping from this essay. Read Morning Line: Obama and America's shadowy elite, (Progressive Review, 4/7/2011) for what is known at present, and for a short link to Bill Clinton’s likely CIA connections as well.

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Well, and George H.W. Bush was Director of the CIA. Does that count as a CIA connection, or are we only picking on Democrats here?

It was well-known that GHW Bush came from the CIA, even before he was elected. I'm sure he got his share of being picked on.

Part of the peculaton around Obama concerns his rapid ascent. There are articles to read for the Googling. A strong CIA connection, with likely obligations, would expain much, including and in particular why the CIA is not subject to prosecution for torture past and present.

I really do not see any strength to a reputed CIA Connection to Obama that the author hoped to hype......we had a recruiter at Occidental College, but I am sure that they are in many institutions. If his mother was in any way attached to the Agency, she would have had medical coverage for her cancer, and would not have been arguing with insurance for that issue alone I think its hype.

Now with Bush --- that's not even a stretch. My father's old girlfriend was working with him in the Agency (she was a carrier)....and if she is still alive she is in her late 80's. I have no doubt that Bush benefited mightily from his 'business' connections, brought about by family and otherwise. The second Bush benefited from Daddy, and his connections in oil.

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