Thursday, January 15, 2009


Brooklyn cop who tased mentally ill man, causing him to drop to his death, is promoted

by Larry Geller

Last September I reported that a mentally disturbed Brooklyn man standing naked on a fire escape was tased and fell to his death.

I wrote then:

According to an eyewitness report aired on radio station WBAI this evening, police at the top of the building were preparing to let down the fire escape ladder to the street so that the man could continue walking downwards. But then the police on the sidewalk tased him.

There will be an investigation, and predictably, no cop will be convicted of anything.

That’s exactly what happened. The police officer who gave the order to shoot Iman Morales while his mom pleaded for help, later committed suicide. To this day, no charges have been filed against the policeman who fired the shot that resulted in his death.

In fact, he’s been promoted. See: Taser victim's family furious as NYPD promotes zap cop (New York Daily News, 1/13/2009).

Let me repeat that: no charges have been filed against the policeman who shot mentally ill Iman Morales causing him to fall to his death, and instead, the cop has been promoted.

Here’s a video of the incident:

For today’s WBAI news coverage, a few minutes clipped from their audio. Click here to listen. It’s very moving.


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