Saturday, September 13, 2008


Help the polar bears defeat Sarah Palin

by Larry Geller

You know, and I know, that human activity contributes to global warming. Sarah Palin, who could end up a heartbeat away from the most powerful office in the world, does not. Check the “Information” link on this game to find out why a UK software firm created it. It’s spreading virally all over the Internet because they allow embedding (see their website or steal the code from this post).


(Thanks to Viviane Lerner, who finds so much that is interesting and important around the web.)

I enjoy clever approaches such as this. Perhaps they counter, in a small way, the 78% of its airtime that Fox News is granting the Republican ticket.

Fair and balanced - not!

(Graphic from Media Matters for America. They deserve your support. At least, I suggest you might subscribe to their email summaries.)


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