Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Your humble blogger banned from Advertiser blog!

by Larry Geller

I wanted to check again what Rich Figel posted the other day, which I had not read completely. So I clicked over to his blog. Look what I got:


Yeah, me. I am banned! Can you beat that.

My guess is that anyone would get that message, but I can’t be sure. They still feature Rich’s blog on their blog page:

Addicted Blog

How crude. Maybe they mean that Rich has been banned, but that’s not what they said.

It’s not like I’m a nasty commenter or something. I’ve never posted a comment on a blog at that website.

I checked some of the other Advertiser bloggers who are supporting the strike. Stephen Tsai’s popular Warrior Beat is still there. You can read his last story though comments are now blocked (but not before an astounding 1087 comments were posted!). Others seem to be still there. ‘Cept for Rich. Whatever he said in his last post must have been real good!

Well, I’m not going to creep into a corner and cry about being banned by the Advertiser. I’d just like to let them know that this is a dumb way to treat web visitors. I’m pretty sure they are sending that message to anyone who dares to visit Rich’s blog, so I won’t take it personally.

I learned from Tsai’s last article that the newspaper has a policy prohibiting their bloggers from participating in any other site. So I guess no one will be shifting over to Disappeared Blogs after all. It was just an idle thought (it’s still there, though, if it can be of any use).

If the strike is prolonged, I hope Advertiser bloggers will each find their own way to get back onto the Internet. I enjoyed reading several of them, including Rich’s now disappeared blog.

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Don't mean to ruin the intrigue for you, but that message appeared for me, too, at one time. Clear your cache and delete your cookies and you should be able to log in again.

Unless you really HAVE BEEN banned...

No cookies. And I tried other blogs, only Rich's was giving me that message. Later I got in. I didn't really think the message was aimed specifically at me, but I really was taken aback by it.

No worry beef curry... who wants to vist the Advertiser anymore when we have much better things online?

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