Thursday, November 15, 2007


T-shirts worth turning your head for

by Larry Geller

I don't know about you, but I get mildly annoyed when the Advertiser moves its comic page from the back of the Island Life section to the inside, and I have to look at a stupid full-page ad. Today's ad included a large and ugly picture featuring varicose veins. Who needs that. If it's not veins, it's bad teeth. Definitely the unpretty side of Island Life.

I am also too lazy to unpack the funny sideways business section, and so I usually don't bother looking at it. Today there was a picture of a Kliban cat, so I twisted my neck sideways to read the story.

It seems that Crazy Shirts will be bringing back those t-shirts that I like. I still have the one with the cat sleeping on the computer that I still wear even though the collar is frayed enough to be an embarrassment.

You can save a visit to the chiropractor by reading the story online here. Ian Lind also mentioned this welcome revival on his blog this morning.

I wonder if I'm the only one who has mostly given up on the Advertiser business section since they tried to be cute and imitate the Pacific Business News?


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