Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Keep track of your new Congresspeople’s voting records as they vote

by Larry Geller

The music has stopped and all of Hawaii’s Congresspeople are in their chairs. And they are voting. Would you like to know how well your representatives are representing you, or be able to email them if you’re not satisfied?

MegavoteTry Megavote. I’ve been using this handy service for years. They say that voters have short memories. Others may forget, but not me. I’ve got a folder where the emails go. I also learn what issues have come up that the news doesn’t really cover.

Megavote sends a weekly email with a description of the measure and a link, and tells you how your representatives have voted. I find it to be a useful service. If I had to go to a website repeatedly, I wouldn’t remember to do that. This way, the info comes to me.

Try it.


And check the recall bill that may or may not come to fruition; at least it will show their colors if they vote against it.

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