Friday, July 01, 2011


Breaking: Audacity of Hope leaves port, confronted by Greek Coast Guard

by Larry Geller

It’s happening right now, at 7 a.m. Hawaii time.

Frustrated by refusal of the Greek government to let it leave port for Gaza, it appears from tweets flying right now that the American ship in the flotilla trying to reach Gaza has left without permission and is being confronted by the Coast Guard with M-16 weapons pointed.

Follow #flotilla or @LopeztoGaza. You don’t have to be a Twitter user to view tweets at that link.

I’m listening to Hawaii resident Col. Ann Wright addressing the Coast Guard ship over a megaphone on this audio feed..

Will they be boarded? High seas seem to have prevented one attempt.


Many thanks, Larry. Other Hawaii media ignore this issue/event. A fitting way to celebrate the 4th of July would be to support the brave unarmed Americans on the US AUDACITY OF HOPE attempting an act of freedom and humanity for the people of Gaza. The people of Palestine and Gaza having been trying to "Declare their Independence" from the oppression and illegal Apartheid occupation by Israel since 1948. Surely Americans can relate? Why is the US Gov. obstructing the Palestinians freedom and US AUDACITY OF HOPE's humane action?

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