Friday, June 04, 2010


Video from one of flotilla ships escapes confiscation and is posted

by Larry Geller

So far this is the only video that has been smuggled through the Israeli attack and posted on the web. The text is in Greek, and I couldn’t get Google Translate to handle it, but found another program. Click on the link to see the video, but I think it will take some special language skills to handle the Hebrew and Greek.

Only in tvxs: Documentary on the attack in Sfendoni

The camera was in tvxs bezel bridge at dawn 31 May, when, en route to Gaza the ship was attacked by the Israeli army. The operation to seize the ship began in 3:50 and ran approximately 30 minutes. Both Sfendoni and Israeli vessels had been extinguished lights which made it extremely difficult circumstances filming.

In the following video See and hear the most important moments of (fortunately bloodless on this ship) Israeli attack. It is the only material that survived the Sfendoni, After the Israeli authorities confiscated all recorders audio and video, and content. Tags: , , ,


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