Monday, June 14, 2010


Center for Constitutional Rights reveals RCMP investigation into US rendition and Syrian torture of Maher Arar after SCOTUS denies case

by Larry Geller

The US Supreme Court today (6/14/2010) denied a hearing to Maher Arar, the Canadian citizen who was abducted at JFK airport on his way home, rendered to Syria, and tortured for over a year. Details of the case, Arar v. Ashcroft, are here.

This ends any chance for justice for Arar through the US court system.

Following the announcement, Arar and his attorneys announce that the RCMP is investigating:

According to Mr. Arar and his attorneys, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) has been conducting a criminal investigation into U.S. as well as Syrian officials for their role in his rendition to torture. 

To their knowledge, this is the first time the existence of the RCMP’s criminal investigation of U.S officials has been made public. Mr. Arar has met with the RCMP in conjunction with the investigation.   [Center for Constitutional Justice, Canadian RCMP Conducting Criminal Investigation of U.S. and Syrian Officials for Maher Arar's Rendition to Torture, 6/14/2010]

The abduction and torture took place under the Bush administration, but Obama has not been willing to investigate or prosecute the illegal acts of his predecessor, or to apologize to Arar or compensate him for his mistreatment.



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