Saturday, May 08, 2010


Tea partiers taste victory in ouster of Utah senator

by Larry Geller

Republican Senator Bob Bennett wasn’t far enough to the right for Utah conservatives including Tea Party supporters. So they ousted him.

The rest of the country might pay attention as the Republicans shift even farther to the right. And the Tea Party heads towards becoming the country’s third major political party, supported and encouraged each night on TV by its Fox News leadership. Fueled by success and also by its hatred of government tolerance of Wall Street bonuses and other taxation and bailout beefs, the movement may spread like a wildfire.

Utah Sen. Bob Bennett lost his bid to be nominated for a fourth term Saturday, defeated at the state Republican Party convention by a strong conservative sentiment that threatens to unseat other establishment-backed GOPers in the months to come.

Tea party supporters from across the nation had targeted Bennett as part of the problem in Washington and, with his defeat, are almost certain to be further energized to beat other GOP incumbents and candidates who they feel are not representing the core values of the party. [Washington Post, Utah Sen. Bob Bennett loses convention fight, 5/8/2010]


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