Friday, October 30, 2009


Laugh of the week

by Larry Geller

From the Governor’s Quotes and Thoughts page:

"We are being watched by the entire nation and by people beyond the shores of America because we are moving so rapidly and so confidently into the future."

Hahahahahahahaha…. sorry…

Yes, we’re being watched, but not for our questionable leadership on energy, gov. We’re being watched for our willingness to sacrifice our children’s education (and their future) so easily.

It would be funny if this were not so sick.



Its not as cut and dry as you point out. It comes down to theses questions :

1. Should we raid the HHRF to help balance the budget

No, there is no way to replenish the fund.When the money is gone, its gone. Which is not a comforting thought if another hurricane strikes Hawaii

2. Should we raise the GE tax to help balance the budget

No, you can ask any competent economist and they'll tell you that it poor decision to raise taxes during a recession. On top of that, the GE tax is applied to every transaction in the state. Thus food,medicine,and gasoline will cost more.This is not a good trade off to balance the budget.

I blogged about some solutions here to our budget crisis :

I haven't seen any leadership for the children's education since, I have lived in Hawai'i. Neither have I seen so many private schools. Evidently Hawai'i parents have low expectations and accountability for the school system.

It's true. In my experience, few parents give testimony at the Legislature on education bills. If parents really pushed for better education, I think they would get it. On the other hand, with no good jobs to look forward to, it works against educational achievement. The best engineering graduates at UH have to look for jobs on the Continent or work outside their field in Hawaii, for example. So you do well, it means leaving your home and family to go elsewhere.

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