Thursday, June 25, 2009


Sanford tweets are the latest rage

by Larry Geller

Hawaii wakes up so late that the Twitter action on the Continent can peak before we even have breakfast.

So it was with tweets about South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford’s weekend tryst in Argentina.

Not only were the tweets flying while most of us slept, but someone beat me to the story. Here’s a roundup summarized from a article. I’ll just pick a few, click over there for more.

pourmecoffee: “I don’t think it’s good that a main takeaway of Sanford’s press conference is how really awesome his mistress is.”

Bagyants: “Sanford turned down one stimulus, accepted another. Flip flopper!“

TeresaKopec: “So instead of walking the trail, he was chasing some tail.“

martinboz: “Somehow I doubt Argentinian tourist bureaus are going to use #Sanford as a selling point when promoting themselves as a vacation spot.”

JayRodriguez: “Oh my God - The Gov. Sanford story was SOOOOOOOO much better than I thought it’d be. I was expecting a pain killer addiction, tops.”

Spinelli666: “At least Sanford proves that not all #gop members hate all foreigners“

waitwait: “Anyone else feel let down when Sanford finally used the pronoun “she” to describe affair partner? me: *raises hand*”

maxsparber: “None of us are in a position to judge Sanford until we too have had sex with a woman in Argentina. Now who is up for a road trip?”

alanpdx: “The reason the #gop is so upset with #sanford is that he outsourced his hookers to a South American country.“

And this tweet on Jon Stewart’s perceptive remark last night, which I link to because he used the p-word and I don’t want Google to send strange people here, so if you’re over 18 just click this. Or, if you’re under 18 and your parents won’t let you twitter yet.



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