Thursday, May 21, 2009


Move over da Vinci

by Larry Geller


While admiring the artwork by Google contest winner Christin Engelberth (Bernard A. Harris Jr High School, San Antonio, TX), it occurred to me that I was not alone. Most everyone else on the planet with a computer (and perhaps some astronauts as well) has also seen it by now. Google’s web page may be the most-viewed spot in history.

Christin’s fame may be short-lived, but it’s huge, for the moment.

In fact, I’m wondering if more people have seen Christin’s drawing than have seen the Mona Lisa, which is, after all, tucked away in a room in the Louvre in Paris. And La Gioconda may never catch up. I have no idea of the numbers on either side of this bet, but it sounds reasonable that this could be true.

What power Google has. There’s hardly a day that goes by that I don’t use one or another of their services. And strangely enough, it’s for free. That’s the biggest mind boggler of all.

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