Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Felix photo in expensive ad follows Felix endorsement by paper

by Larry Geller

Felix advertised in Advertiser Let’s see… the Advertiser endorsed John Henry Felix for the Windward City Council seat vacated by the late Barbara Marshall on Sunday, and an almost-full-page ad featuring his picture runs on Tuesday.

(And it’s an ad describing the wedding business he is involved with now, which can’t help but bring back memories of the controversial wedding business he used to run out of his home. Go figure.)

Now, I would never even suggest that the Advertiser’s endorsement of Felix had anything to do with this ad featuring Felix. No, I would not even think of such a thing. Before anyone accuses me of thinking there could be a connection I want to go on record saying I definitely am not thinking that.

The ad doesn’t say “Paid Advertisement” anywhere I can find, by the way. Shouldn’t it? I mean, not all ads this paper runs have those two clarifying words, but considering their endorsement, shouldn’t this one?


SHRM endorses Felix!

One question, given the context, is whether the business advertisement should be considered a campaign ad for the featured Felix?

That is a very good question, Ian... especially if line of flight is also correct that the organization putting up his picture has also endorsed him. I'm not sure what the considerations would be in figuring that out. Any thoughts?

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