Tuesday, April 07, 2009


"Any day now, they'll be painted gray," says defense industry analyst

by Larry Geller

Note to Senator Hanabusa and Senator Hemmings: speculation is hot that the two oversized ships formerly known as Superferry will indeed become military vessels. While that doesn’t mean they won’t come back to Hawaii ever, it’s unlikely. They were never profitable here.

I’m disappointed. I thought the Alakai would make a great floating restaurant. Oh, well. Best laid plains of mice and men, they say.

At least the mice know when to give up.

The Legislature would be headed for rough waters if it tried to weaken our environmental laws for a company that bamboozled them in the first place. If they come back, (and why shouldn’t we have an interisland ferry service?) it would make sense to do so with a smaller, more compatible bunch of ships. They could start the EIS process today, no need to wait.

I’ve given up my floating restaurant idea. It’s not going to happen. You should give up what would likely be a losing battle to weaken Hawaii’s protective laws for little prospect of gain.

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I thought it would have been great for booze cruises

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