Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Lead in lipstick, and more about chemicals in cosmetics

by Larry Geller

Lead in lipstick? And you lick it (or kiss it) and then it gets put on again… lead???

AMY GOODMAN: Lipstick, lead in lipstick—is this an issue today?

MARK SCHAPIRO: This, you know,—I mean, it’s actually fascinating. There’s an environmental group, Health Care Without Harm, which demanded from the FDA its data about lead in lipstick. And the response that it got repeatedly was, you know, “We’re looking into it, we’re looking into it, we’re looking into it,” and basically, in the end, wouldn’t provide the data about lead in lipstick. So the answer as to whether it’s still there is yes, and—which is kind of extraordinary when you think of what lead does. … [Democracy Now, US Lags Behind Europe in Regulating Toxicity of Everyday Products, 2/24/2009]

That’s scary, but there is more to this program segment from today’s (Tuesday’s) Democracy Now (10 p.m. channel 56 on Oahu if you see this in time, or if not via their web page).

It mentions, interestingly, that since the European Union bars the use of chemicals that are allowed in the USA, here is a case where regulation, contrary to the popular corporate/Republican line, leads to greater sales. European companies are regulated, the US refuses, so you can’t buy American cosmetics in Europe.

Learn more about chemicals which this country allows in cosmetics and toys, and what they can do to you. There’s a transcript of the segment if you click the link, or you can watch or listen to it.



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