Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Hawaii Superferry—too big to sail?
by Larry Geller
My copy of The Superferry Chronicles arrived yesterday at last, from I’ve been reading about it on the Kauai blogs and was looking forward to receiving a copy. I ordered it in June and have been waiting, waiting, every since for that little brown package to arrive in my mailbox. At last, it’s here!
I just cracked it open and read a few pages. It’s like owning a time machine. The court battles, legislative action, busted barge lines, all there. It was also like re-living a kind of nightmare. The tension and even pain of unfolding daily events are gone, but the question remains for me: How could this have happened? Aren’t we more mature than all that in our governance?
Why, would we pick a Littoral Combat Ship to be used as a ferry? Wouldn’t it have been easier to have used, um, a ferryboat? And the political maneuvering! Couldn’t any of our politicians see what bloggers on Kauai knew was happening?
Of course they knew. The book is as much about the government we have chosen for ourselves as about the Superferry.
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