Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Search back in time with Google 2001

by Larry Geller

What were you doing in 2001? Search Google’s January 2001 index with your name. It really is a time machine. Check out what your blog or your favorite website was doing ‘way back then. See what was playing in the movies or what Lee Cataluna was up to.

Search whatever you like, in 2001 here. Politics, movies, food, everything was different in 2001. Amazing. Yes, there was Global Warming in 2001.

A search on Linda LIngle revealed that she swims (oops, swam) at the Nuuanu YMCA pool. Hey—Neil Abercrombie works out there too! I’m a member, but obviously I don’t go there enough, I’ve not been elected to any political office yet.

The LIngle swimsuit pic unfortunately doesn’t compare with the video of Sarah Palin as swimsuit competitor that you can find all over the web just now.

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