Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Lehman appointed head of McCain’s transition team, but what of Tailhook??

by Larry Geller

Following my post,

John Lehman: Superferry board chair, advisor to John McCain, and, according to Mother Jones, a Tailhook participant,

Brad Parsons emailed a story that had appeared a year ago in the Maui Time Weekly:

The Maui News publishes less than super story on Superferry backer.

That one has more information on Lehman’s behavior at a Tailhook party that you may want to check out, but that I won’t quote here.

Ian Lind points out in his early morning post today that Lehman has been appointed to head McCain’s transition team, and cites this article:

McCain Picks Tailhook Sexual Harassment Scandal Vet To Oversee Transition

Honest, I don’t know why I try to stay a family-friendly blog when all this stuff is already out there. Parts of these articles are pretty explicit.

Worse, while many felt that the scandal at the Hawaii Tourism Authority involving the forwarding of questionable emails and viewing of pornography on an HTA computer merited the offender’s resignation, here we have alleged sexual escapades at the highest level of the McCain election machine going unquestioned by McCain himself, who could potentially occupy the highest office in the land.

Are the reports true? If so, shouldn’t there be a reaction either by the press, the public, or the McCain campaign itself? Or even from Obama?


BTW, Larry,

I cannot take credit for finding that Maui Time Weekly article. One of the Maui Tomorrow people e-mailed it to me. Even though it was only one paragraph in that article, it's surprising that it did not get more notice when it came out. I would also recommend the following three books on the matter which are available online:

Fall from Glory By Gregory L. Vistica (the two most revealing pages are not available online, gotta buy the hardcopy)

Silent Knights By Alan E. Diehl, John J. Nance

The Tailhook Association By Randy W. Baumgardner

Aloha, Brad

P.S. I don't think Lingle knew of these details. And if McCain did, I have to wonder about his judgement as with the VP choice. I have to think McCain's transition team would not be picking top-notch people.

Here is the proper link for the Lehamn/ story.

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