Friday, August 15, 2008


Newspaper meltdown 8: Shrinkage at Honolulu Weekly

by Larry Geller

There’s a box in the current Weekly announcing that Brian Schatz won’t be appearing any longer in the paper. In part, it says:

Unfortunately, Schatz’s recent election as Chairman of the Democratic Party of Hawai’i makes his presence as a regular columnist unworkable in the context of our responsibility to report fairly and without the appearance of favoritism on issues facing our community.

It isn’t just Brian’s column which is gone, the entire front layout of the paper has been disappeared. Schatz hasn’t been replaced with anything.

At the same time, the Weekly, perhaps following the industry trend, is retreating to the Web. There seems to be no 1-week delay imposed on articles any longer. Might as well just start with the web and save some trees. If you’re reading this, you’re already a discerning web-surfer anyway.

Don’t miss Joan Conrow’s article in the Weekly, Unearthing burial laws. We on Oahu could learn much from the activism of the Kauai folks who are taking a firm stand against further desecration of burial sites by developers. The protests include legal action with a case currently before Judge Kathleen Watanabe.

Keep in touch with this movement via Joan’s blog, KauaiEclectic. Yup, on the web. The Star-Bulletin has an article and picture today: Building may continue atop burials. Yup, in print.



Not sure if you remember reading this report on Americans and their changing news receiving habits:

Worth the read.

Sorry didn't realize it cut off

No, I don't remember reading it. Thank you for sending me the link.

I will read it and it might make a good article for discussion.

Thanks again!

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