Friday, August 08, 2008


“Irked” is the word

by Larry Geller

Irked is my nomination for the Advertiser word-of-the day.

I wrote a too-long rant yesterday about the Advertiser cutting three stories short (written by their bloggers), sending readers to forage through their web pages to find the completion. Journalist Joan Conrow immediately had the word that never came to me: irked. Perfect. This is her comment on my earlier post:

You're right, Larry, that is very strange to give your newspaper subscribers partial stories, even if they are blogs, that have to be finished on the web. I would be irked, and I imagine other readers would be, too. Wonder who came up with that idea?

On a blog it’s painless to click and suddenly you’re elsewhere. The editors should know that clicking on newsprint doesn’t work.

A Japanese phrase, shirikire tombo, came to mind. A dragonfly with its tail cut off, referring to a story half finished, a good story spoiled.

So today, with three more half-told tales, they’ve left their readers irked once again.


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