Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Following the DNC, what to do?

by Larry Geller

Bottom line, I’m looking at streaming video sites like ustream.tv. There was just a stream of Hillary speaking. Tomorrow, Wednesday, there will be a live stream of a healthcare forum featuring Hillary Clinton and others. That will be 5:30 a.m. in Honolulu, and a website with info is here.

There’s so much alternative coverage. What is turning out to be disappointing is clicking around to blog sites for those who are live-blogging. Why? They can only be in one place at a time.

Using a newsreader to pick up the blog RSS feeds is helping. I’m not going to spend any time on this, though, because I don’t feel a burning need to actually spend all my real time on this circus. I’m concerned that none of the demonstrators get hurt, and also that none of the cops actually use those deadly-looking weapons on anyone. Why do they give those things to cops anyway? That’s a recipe for trouble. I wonder if they’re really loaded.

Democracy Now is broadcasting two hours for the duration, but most stations won’t carry more than the first hour. Even their website doesn’t make the second hour available as a podcast. You can see the whole two hours by clicking on their embedded video. So that’s what I’ll be doing, later this evening.

Much of the coverage actually obscures what’s happening, though Democracy Now has discussed it without flinching. What’s happening is that Obama is surrounding himself with Clinton’s hawkish advisors. Biden as VP is not good news to me. Letting AT&T richly reward congresspeople visiting their party is shameful.

Hope for hope and expectation of change are going down the drain rapidly. But we can’t flush, we need to choose the lessor of the two evils, or we’ll end up with more Bush, more neocons, more war, more evil judicial appointments.

The circus is really turning into a tragic spectacle, I suspect, for those who hoped for better.



I'm listening to the second hour of democracy now as a podcast. I've subscribed to the podcast for over a year so it downloads through itunes.

Yes, Larry, I've been able to get both hours from ITunes as well.

Their regular podcast feed is now delivering a sound file that is two hours long. So all is well.

It seems the TIVO schedule providers did not list the second hour, so those using the schedule to program their recordings also missed the extra program.

Ah, technology.

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