Friday, June 06, 2008


Could Lingle be McCain's VP?

by Larry Geller

Idle thoughts.

Reading today's Star-Bulletin story, Lingle ready to back McCain, I suddenly wondered whether she might be chosen as his vice-president. Not much chance, but as the article says, she brings several interesting demographics into play. She's a woman, and she's Jewish.

Lingle has strongly supported administration policies. She's tried to break up the public education system, she vetoes bills or withholds money to put down social service spending. She believes in big tax breaks for development, and won't let Hawaii's senior citizens buy cheap prescription drugs (might offend big pharma).

She even visited and enhanced military cooperation with Indonesia, a country that terrorized and killed huge numbers of its own people and East Timorese, but which Bush wants to make nice to.

She's such a good Republican that maybe she deserves to be VP.

I doubt that would happen, but who knows what she's thinking. I wonder if she could be elected to any other office in 2010. Of course, she might be appointed to something by McCain should he become president.


Lingle is anything but a Republican! She's not even a RINO. She is looking for a higher post though. That's why she went to Israel some say. But she also wants Akaka's seat.

She's destroyed the party she helped rebuild and pissed off the Democrats too. So I think she'll have to go somewhere where people don't know her.

To Mainland Republicans, she'd be seen as a RINO (Republican In Name Only)--hardly the sort of fire breather that John McCain needs to reassure the more rabid members of the GOP about his conservative credentials.

And they might start replaying the “Stepford wives” clip of her at the 2004 convention by Triumph the Insult Comic Dog (Robert Smiegle). .

Go Linda- and take Duke with you.

I'm sorry, but Republican conservatives on the mainland would not accept Linda Lingle's background/social persuasion. It is something that people in Hawaii have been willing to ignore, but conservatives on the mainland would not.

Here is my pick for John McCain's Secretary of Defense.....John Lehman....assuming McCain can beat Obama, which I don't think he can.

Aloha, Brad

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