Monday, April 07, 2008


Slow and maybe queasy re-start for Superferry today

by Larry Geller

KHON's website article speculates:

Some travelers feeling the crunch from Aloha’s departure are looking for other options to get to the neighbor islands.

Well, maybe some, but not many so far. Today's first Superferry trip after a long stay in drydock saw few passengers, many of them reporters or camera crew. And some reporters were a bit seasick. In fact, the KHON reporter was observed to be a bit under the weather. Let's see how they cover the story tonight.

Brad Parsons was on hand for the arrival of the ship today on Maui. He will no doubt provide more details later, but his phoned-in report is that there were only 12 cars arriving on Maui today, and approximately 45 people, including reporters. Forty got off, and about five were visible still on the ship.

Heading the other way were 15 cars and 1 motorcycle. Brad could not get a people count.

Let's see how the news reports the count. The Honolulu Advertiser story, already on their website, indicates more passengers:

About 100 passengers and just a few vehicles were on board this morning's initial voyage, which was just fine with Garibaldi.

I don't know if Brad counted people in cars or not, but that could account for the difference.

With all those reporters on board there will be more coverage this evening.

It appears also that the experimental barf index (3 for today) was accurate.

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Aloha, Brad

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