Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Pedestrian thrown 40-50 feet, killed by driver in same dangerous stretch of Farrington Highway
I'll bet there were no police anywhere near the dangerous intersections on Farrington Highway where residents have both complained about the need for more traffic lights and that there are already too many traffic lights. Clearly, pedestrians are not being protected against speeding drivers.
The latest victim was an 80-year woman hit in a crosswalk and sent flying in broad daylight. The newspaper stories are here and here.
Just where are the police? This part of the Star-Bulletin story describes a trickle of police enforcement:
Helloooo.... it's the drivers that are killing the pedestrians. Why so few tickets? And why not over there on Farrington Highway, so drivers will learn to slow down and obey traffic laws?
I'll bet police could issue 100 citations an hour at the crosswalk near where I live. And they should. And also near the crosswalk where you live.
Drivers have been warned they need to slow down and shape up. It's in the papers and on TV. They already got their warnings.
Again, I need to say it: these deaths are blood on the hands of the city and state because traffic laws are not being enforced. Only 25 citations. Sheesh.
You can help by calling the mayor's office. His phone is 523-4141 and his email is mayor@honolulu.gov . Tell him, enough already, put more police to work at intersections. Now.
The latest victim was an 80-year woman hit in a crosswalk and sent flying in broad daylight. The newspaper stories are here and here.
Just where are the police? This part of the Star-Bulletin story describes a trickle of police enforcement:
INTERCEPTIONS AT INTERSECTIONSSo skip the "no insurance" citations, they have nothing to do with traffic violations. Net result? 25 citations issued to pedestrians and a mere 10 to drivers!
Of the 25 citations issued Sunday to pedestrians on Oahu:
» Fourteen jaywalked.
» Nine crossed the roadway against a blinking red pedestrian signal.
» Two crossed the roadway with a steady red pedestrian signal.
Of the 16 citations issued to drivers:
» Six failed to yield to pedestrians.
» Four disregarded a red traffic light.
» Six were cited for miscellaneous offenses such as no insurance.
Source: Honolulu Police Department
Helloooo.... it's the drivers that are killing the pedestrians. Why so few tickets? And why not over there on Farrington Highway, so drivers will learn to slow down and obey traffic laws?

Drivers have been warned they need to slow down and shape up. It's in the papers and on TV. They already got their warnings.
Again, I need to say it: these deaths are blood on the hands of the city and state because traffic laws are not being enforced. Only 25 citations. Sheesh.
You can help by calling the mayor's office. His phone is 523-4141 and his email is mayor@honolulu.gov . Tell him, enough already, put more police to work at intersections. Now.
Shame on You Hawaii, for not being pedestrian friendly!
I recently read an article in the Star Bulletin entitled,
“Pedestrians Reminded of Laws, Road Safety Tips”.
Not that anyone in Hawaii needs to read an article to know that pedestrians in Hawaii are being mowed down all too often but, this particular article got me steaming mad.
While pedestrians and motorists may argue who has the right of way, a Honolulu police lieutenant narrows the discussion to one key question: Who has the most to lose?
“It would be the pedestrians,” said Lt. Jerry Wojcik, head of the Honolulu Police Departments pedestrian safety campaign. “Rarely is the driver going to be killed if he hits a pedestrian.”
“If you have the most to lose, you should be more aware and more careful of what you do,” Wojcik said yesterday.
The article goes on to talk about the 1971 pedestrian law and 80-year old Tapu Neddemeyer who was killed while crossing Farrington Highway. “A car traveling Honolulu bound in the makai-most lane stopped to let her pass. But Neddemeyer was struck by another car traveling in the second lane.” The article continues to discuss how pedestrians are trying to change their behavior but, only to avoid paying a ticket…
Ok wait, lets go back to the top.
Who has the most to lose?
“It would be the pedestrians,” said Lt. Jerry Wojcik, head of the Honolulu Police Departments pedestrian safety campaign. “Rarely is the driver going to be killed if he hits a pedestrian.” “If you have the most to lose, you should be more aware and more careful of what you do,” Wojcik said yesterday.
Wait, wait, wait…This guy is head of the Honolulu Police Department’s Pedestrian Safety Campaign? You must be joking!
Of all of the cities and states I have lived in Honolulu, Hawaii is the least pedestrian friendly. As a matter of fact, I am slowly pushing thirty years old and have never even driven a car or had a driver’s license. I have had no need up until now. I walk home from work and take the bus to work in the mornings, (it’s still dark out and a little creepy).
I’m almost hit everyday and see others about a half second from being hit by a motorist. I am not joking or lying.
I read this article and could hardly contain myself. I am so disappointed that anyone, especially Lt. Jerry Wojcik, who heads the Honolulu Police Departments Pedestrian Safety Campaign, would say this, let alone let it be printed for all of Hawaii to read.
Shame on you for telling motorists that pedestrians should be more aware.
This is the last thing the pedestrians of Hawaii need.
We are already fighting for our lives out there everyday.
On an island that is and will continue to grow at a rapid pace shouldn’t we be praising those who choose to walk and ride the bus? With the environment being what it is, should we not give pedestrians the right of way?
I bet you could find about 10 police stationed at Fort street in downtown Honolulu handing out tickets to jay walkers on a bus only road.
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Shame on You Hawaii, for not being pedestrian friendly!
I recently read an article in the Star Bulletin entitled,
“Pedestrians Reminded of Laws, Road Safety Tips”.
Not that anyone in Hawaii needs to read an article to know that pedestrians in Hawaii are being mowed down all too often but, this particular article got me steaming mad.
While pedestrians and motorists may argue who has the right of way, a Honolulu police lieutenant narrows the discussion to one key question: Who has the most to lose?
“It would be the pedestrians,” said Lt. Jerry Wojcik, head of the Honolulu Police Departments pedestrian safety campaign. “Rarely is the driver going to be killed if he hits a pedestrian.”
“If you have the most to lose, you should be more aware and more careful of what you do,” Wojcik said yesterday.
The article goes on to talk about the 1971 pedestrian law and 80-year old Tapu Neddemeyer who was killed while crossing Farrington Highway. “A car traveling Honolulu bound in the makai-most lane stopped to let her pass. But Neddemeyer was struck by another car traveling in the second lane.” The article continues to discuss how pedestrians are trying to change their behavior but, only to avoid paying a ticket…
Ok wait, lets go back to the top.
Who has the most to lose?
“It would be the pedestrians,” said Lt. Jerry Wojcik, head of the Honolulu Police Departments pedestrian safety campaign. “Rarely is the driver going to be killed if he hits a pedestrian.” “If you have the most to lose, you should be more aware and more careful of what you do,” Wojcik said yesterday.
Wait, wait, wait…This guy is head of the Honolulu Police Department’s Pedestrian Safety Campaign? You must be joking!
Of all of the cities and states I have lived in Honolulu, Hawaii is the least pedestrian friendly. As a matter of fact, I am slowly pushing thirty years old and have never even driven a car or had a driver’s license. I have had no need up until now. I walk home from work and take the bus to work in the mornings, (it’s still dark out and a little creepy).
I’m almost hit everyday and see others about a half second from being hit by a motorist. I am not joking or lying.
I read this article and could hardly contain myself. I am so disappointed that anyone, especially Lt. Jerry Wojcik, who heads the Honolulu Police Departments Pedestrian Safety Campaign, would say this, let alone let it be printed for all of Hawaii to read.
Shame on you for telling motorists that pedestrians should be more aware.
This is the last thing the pedestrians of Hawaii need.
We are already fighting for our lives out there everyday.
On an island that is and will continue to grow at a rapid pace shouldn’t we be praising those who choose to walk and ride the bus? With the environment being what it is, should we not give pedestrians the right of way?
I bet you could find about 10 police stationed at Fort street in downtown Honolulu handing out tickets to jay walkers on a bus only road.
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