Saturday, March 17, 2007


BOE wins award for darkness during Sunshine Week

In order to be fully informed these days it's necessary to read a few blogs along with the daily papers. I forgot to read Ian Lind's blog yesterday, so caught up with his Friday post today. It's a long and important one.

Towards the end he reported that the Hawaii Board of Education had won a Big Island Press Club Lava Tube Award "for defying the state Office of Information Practices’ directives to make public the minutes and audio tape of the meeting at which charter schools director Jim Shon was fired in September."

"Sheesh," I thought at first, before the fog lifted from my brain, "here I do all the work and they get the award!"

I apologize for the thought. I read the blogs first thing in the morning, before enjoying my daily cup of coffee while reading the newspaper. Yes. The BOE is very deserving of this award. Thanks to the Big Island Press Club for giving them the recognition they deserve.


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