Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Yee fails to do homework, runs misleading attacks in ads

Board of Education chairman Randall Yee's ad in yesterday's Honolulu Advertiser (p. B6) features a picture of Yee with Superintendent Pat Hamamoto along with an apparently positive statement, though not exactly an endorsement.

Since Yee is pretty close to being the superintendent's boss, this seems like an ethical violation at least. I have to say that I don't believe Pat Hamamoto would authorize the use of her picture and statement in this way.

Speaking of Yee's ads, his ad in today's Advertiser attacking the incumbent, long-time legislator Senator Les Ihara, seems to contain egregious errors of fact. For example, he states that his opponent has only introduced two bills that were passed by the Legislature. That's ridiculous, I am aware that there were plenty more than that. Les has been a leader in legislation affecting senior citizens, which I follow, and in other subject areas. I've sought his help and support many times with these issues.

Les has also been both a majority leader in both the senate and house, and so was responsible for shepherding lots of bills through the legislative process to enactment.

I'm sure he will reply to this slight.

Meantime, I'm going to check my spelling and grammar and email this post to Pat Hamamoto to see if she might have anything to say about inclusion in the ad yesterday.


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